Cannabis Authenticity and Purity Standard (CAPS) – Interactive Orientation
Purity-IQ’s Cannabis Authenticity and Purity Standard (CAPS) provides voluntary certifications designed specifically for the cannabis and hemp industry. CAPS certification improves site processes and quantifies product quality through patented Purity-IQ authenticity and purity testing technology. The CAPS- Interactive Orientation serves to provide an overview of the CAPS, its structure, background, and benefits of certification.
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The purpose of this interactive orientation is to provide you with an overview of the Cannabis Authenticity and Purity Standard (CAPS), its structure, background and benefits of certification. Purity-IQ’s Cannabis Authenticity and Purity Standard (CAPS) provides voluntary certifications designed specifically for the cannabis and hemp industry. CAPS certification improves site processes and quantifies product quality through patented Purity-IQ authenticity and purity testing technology.
Learning Objectives
1. Describe the key purpose of the Cannabis Authenticity and Purity Standard
2. Identify the four (4) parts of the Cannabis Authenticity and Purity Standard
3. Name the different types of Cannabis Authenticity and Purity Standard certification
Duration: 30 minutes
Presentation Type: Interactive Text-based
Language: English